primadonna girl...........yeah

i'm priska and i've been girlfriend kin assigned marie aristocats three times

i'm weeaboo bait because i have pink hair

abt me!

❤ priska ❤
❤ 19 ❤
❤ october 20 ❤
❤ femme lesbian ❤
❤ she/they ❤
❤ white ❤
❤ i go to art school ❤
❤ i like everything pink and soft ❤
❤ angelcore, princesscore, lovecore ❤

don't interact with me if:

✄ you fall under basic criteria (terf, homophobe, racist, etc.)
✄ if you like killing stalking, voltron, taylor swift, sherlock, or supernatural
✄ if you're an "anti-anti" or indulge in ddlg
✄ you fall into any other freak criteria

other media and such

❤ please tag me in cuttlefish / angelic things / sappho !! ❤
❤ i'm not christian and i'm trying to reclaim angels from my religious upbringing ❤
❤ all posts are ok to rb unless tagged otherwise !! ❤
❤ i'll gladly do requests if we're mutuals !! ❤
❤ please don't use the word queer to describe me ❤
❤ i'm multilingual and still learning !! ❤
❤ english is my native language ❤
❤ almost fluent in spanish ❤
❤ learning french, german, italian, dutch ❤
❤ want to learn mandarin and portuguese !! ❤